Wednesday, October 28, 2009

G&G diploma exam is coming soon...

Halo...long time did't write any message already.After sem 4 examination, next week need to face with the C&G diploma examination already...abit scare about the examination,because don't know easy or not,don't know can score pass or not...haiz...After the C&G examination, sem 5 course have start...this is the last sem for all of us, after that we mayb will never meet again,but i don't hope so, because we are friend.^^Anyway gambateh for all my friend and hope our friendship will not be lose in the future.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

sem 4(new challenge for me)

When july 2009,started my sem 4 class...sem 4 is a big challenge for me...because a lot of new thing i need to learn..example like carving,wedding cake,ginger bread,dessert and computing e-business.This all subject is a big challenge for me because i never learn that before.After i studying all this subject,i feel stress,but until now i feel ok already,because so far so good.hehe^^hope this sem result will not fail... and hope all the best to my friend and myself..^^

This is my watermelon carving.

This is my sugar paste church.

This is dessrt fruit rice pudding.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Always Sharing!this is my slogan....i will come out with this slogan because i think i like to share my thing with my friends,family and my teacher.Whatever special for me,i will always remember and share with other people.This is a good idea for people to release stress.Do u like to share your thing to other people?When you face problem,how you face it?headache?stress?confusion? why don't looking for help?remember,always share thing with people can help you reduce your stress,but must find a people who can trust.Don't be selfish,share your thing to people who beside you.They always wait to help you.^^

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

why young generation divorce easily on nowadays?

Nowadays, young genereation easy get divorce in their marriage because of many reason like cheating, missunderstand, lure, rush marriage, not enought understanding each other and so on.This are the common reason for divorce.Many guys easily lure by others girls.Sometimes, even is together long time, but the problem of missunderstand also will happen. Rush marriage occurs because suddenly pregnant,so that causes they don't have enought time to understanding each other.This is just my opinion for that, besides that have more reason for the divorce.

How people learn in future?

For my opinion, i think in future we are all using e-learning.E-learning means study through technology and internet. In the future, all the student will study at home through computer. They can use computer to online study with lecturer, discuss homework with friends and learning more information in internet. So that the student can learn more easily and effectively through internet.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What kind of animal would you like to be and why?

I think i will become a dolphin,because i like dolphin very much.When they are jump up to the sea surface,their pose was very attractive to me.When i saw they are freedom to swim any where,i was very admire.I like to become a freedom guy,just like dolphin.They are very happy and free to enjoy their life.For me,i always remind myself must be happy and enjoy like a dolphin because i don't want my life be hard and sadness.

why people treat the animal cruelty? lets go to youtube MEET YOUR MEAT...

People should not treat animal so cruelty, because that is a life,they also can feel paint and feel laborious to live at this world.Before we eat any meat,please think about it.That is a life.Sometimes people will cruelty for the animal,because they need to consume their meat to satisfy their aspiration.This is the big problem face by the animal.Although the animal was live in a comfortable place,but they still treat rude and cruelty by the workers.Would you feel sympathy with the animal?So we should try to reduce the consume of the meat and we should try to eat more vegetable, because this can help us to maintain our healthy.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Black Forest Cake

Black Forest Cake (American English) and Black Forest gateau (British English) are the English names for the southern German dessert.
Typically, Black Forest cake consists of several layers of chocolate cake, with whipped cream and cherries between each layer. Then the cake is decorated with additional whipped cream, maraschino cherries, and chocolate shavings. In some European traditions sour cherries are used both between the layers and for decorating the top.Traditionally, Kirschwasser is added to the cake, although other liquors are also used (rum is common in Austrian recipes). In the USA Black Forest cake is most often prepared without alcohol.


Tiramisu is one of the most popular Italian cakes. It is made of savoiardi dipped in espresso or strong coffee and layered with a whipped mixture of egg yolks, mascarpone, and sugar, and topped with cocoa. French Bogey wine or a liqueur may be added to flavor the mixture, making it zabaglione.
Tiramisu has become one of the most popular desserts served in restaurants of all types, not just Italian restaurants. The recipe has been adapted into cakes, puddings, and other varieties of dessert.

English Scones

This is a famous product at England.Everybody eat this at tea time.This procust call english scones.At Malaysia is very difficult to find this product.This product is a high fat product,a lot of butter inside,but this product is very nice if eat with cream at the middle.

Tiger Bread

This is tiger bread...the 1st bread i make from school.izit nice?similar with tiger skin?Thats why call tiger bread,because the skin of the bread is similar with tiger skin.I never seen this bread sold outside..

about myself...

halo....thanks for anyone who view my blog name is Lee Kah people call me iverson and xiao i.This two is my nick name.I'm 19 years old,live in the village which is Semenyih.I'm sure u all don't know this place(because this is not a famous village also)^^.
If anyone need to know me more,can add me in msn,friendster or facebook.My msn and facebook is same add which is My friendster add is or just taip iverson lee,then u will find my acc.